
My Sweet 15/16!

Jun 26, 2012

For a young girl, a "Sweet 16" or a "Quinceañera" is a coming of age celebration. It's the time when a young girl begins her journey into womanhood. With our latest cinematic video services we can help you announce in different ways to your family and friends that your special day is near by. Here are a few examples but the possibilities are endless. For more info contact us at (888) 408-9798 or visit our page

1) Express yourself by letting your friends know a little bit more about yourself that they might not have known before; hobbies, interests, passion, etc.

2) You can create a video series leading up to your big day letting people know about those who you care about the most.

3) Another creative route is filming your own music video with friends to one of your favorite songs.

Paul & Johan (Cinematic Video)

Jun 22, 2012


Paul and Johan's love for each other is so immense that they wanted to show it in a big way but yet keep it intimate (oxymoron, yes I know). They went the more formal, classy and traditional route for their special day. And there is nothing more classy than celebrating their wedding at the Waldorf Astoria. They start their new journey as one, celebrating their wedding, with family and friends present.
El amor de Paul y Johan es tan inmenso que decidieron celebrarlo a lo grande, pero al igual intima. El estilo escogido para su gran día fue clásico, formal o tradicional y ya que hablamos de clásico sin duda alguna no hay mejor manera de aplicar este estilo que llevando la ceremonia a la suite presidencial del Waldorf Astoria. Empiezan una nueva etapa, celebrando la unión de sus vidas en una sola, junto a aquellos familiares y amigos que los acompañaron.

Your Own Wedding Page.

Jun 11, 2012

Jorge & Carmen's Wedding Page
Technological advances helps us make certain tasks easier than before. One of those tasks is sharing your special day with family and friends. You can now have your own wedding page where you can showcase pictures and video of your special day to anyone you want no matter where they are. No longer will you need to mail a DVD to your parents (that's still an option though) or your aunt who can't wait to see the video. All they have to do is log in on their computer, iPhone, iPad or any other mobile device and see it instantly. For more info contact us at (888) 408-9798 or visit our page 
Los avances de la tecnología convierten algunas de nuestras actividades en tareas más fáciles. Una de estas es cumplir con el gran deseo de compartir nuestro día especial con familiares y amigos. Ahora usted también podría tener su propia página matrimonial que le permitiría difundir videos y fotos con sus seres queridos sin importar el lugar en el que ellos se encuentren. Olvídese de enviar un DVD por correo a sus padres (aunque si lo prefiere puede continuar siendo una opción) o su tía quien se desespera por ver su video. Lo único que tendrán que hacer es navegar a través de internet en su computadora, iPhone, iPad o cualquier aparato móvil y vera su boda de manera instantánea.